Terracotta Workflow

DataDirect Type 5 JDBC

Example 3: Create, Read, Update, Delete


The Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) example demonstrates basic create, read, update and delete operations.

More Details >> http://www.terracotta.org/generated/4.2.0/html/bmm-all/#page/BigMemory_Max_Documentation_Set/co-store_storage_tiers.html#



The following example creates a data store that is configured to use 128 MB of heap memory:

Configuration managerConfiguration = new Configuration();
    .terracotta(new TerracottaClientConfiguration().url("localhost:9510"))
    .cache(new CacheConfiguration()
        .maxBytesLocalHeap(128, MemoryUnit.MEGABYTES)
        .terracotta(new TerracottaConfiguration())
CacheManager manager = CacheManager.create(managerConfiguration);
Cache bigMemory = manager.getCache("bigMemory-crud");


Now that you have a BigMemory instance configured and available, you can start creating data in it:

final Person timDoe = new Person("Tim Doe", 35, Person.Gender.MALE,
"eck street", "San Mateo", "CA");
bigMemory.put(new Element("1", timDoe));


Then, you can read data from it:

final Element element = bigMemory.get("1");
System.out.println("The value for key 1 is  " + element.getObjectValue());


And update it:

final Person pamelaJones = new Person("Pamela Jones", 23, Person.Gender.FEMALE,
"berry st", "Parsippany", "LA");
bigMemory.put(new Element("1", pamelaJones));
final Element updated = bigMemory.get("1");
System.out.println("The value for key 1 is now " + updated.getObjectValue() +
                     ". key 1 has been updated.");


And delete it:

System.out.println("Try to retrieve key 1.");
final Element removed = bigMemory.get("1");
System.out.println("Value for key 1 is " + removed +
                   ". Key 1 has been deleted.");


You can also create or update multiple entries at once:

Collection<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>();
elements.add(new Element("1", new Person("Jane Doe", 35,
    Person.Gender.FEMALE, "eck street", "San Mateo", "CA")));
elements.add(new Element("2", new Person("Marie Antoinette", 23,
    Person.Gender.FEMALE, "berry st", "Parsippany", "LA")));
elements.add(new Element("3", new Person("John Smith", 25,
    Person.Gender.MALE, "big wig", "Beverly Hills", "NJ")));
elements.add(new Element("4", new Person("Paul Dupont", 25,
    Person.Gender.MALE, "big wig", "Beverly Hills", "NJ")));
elements.add(new Element("5", new Person("Juliet Capulet", 25,
    Person.Gender.FEMALE, "big wig", "Beverly Hills", "NJ")));


And read multiple entries at once:

final Map<Object, Element> elementsMap = bigMemory.getAll(
Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));


And delete multiple entries at once:

bigMemory.removeAll(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));

And delete everything at once:



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