Control-M Workload Automation


Job Scheduling Software - Choose Control-M as the workload automation solution for your business

BMC Control-M 은 사용하기 쉬운 하나의 사용자 화면에서 모든 플랫폼의, 모든 응용프로그램을 스케줄하고 모니터 해 줍니다.


Run more jobs, faster

Automating the batch workload lifecycle is now easier and more efficient than ever before.

BMC Control-M Workload Automation builds, changes, schedules, and monitors complex batch services - all from one powerful location.

Consolidate scheduling across systems, applications, databases, and dependencies for fast, accurate results.

  • Reduce the cost of workload automation by 25% or more.
  • Implement applications as much as 80% faster by automating the “create and change” process.
  • Improve service delivery with predictive analytics that help you address problems before they affect the business.
  • Make life easier for business users and lower service desk costs by offering a self-service view.

Simple, unified batch management

Schedule and manage every platform and application from a single point of control.

Unified view of the enterprise

Manage all workflows—regardless of platform, database, or application—through a simple, modern interface.

 Self-service for business users

Keep non-IT personnel informed and engaged with a self-service mobile app tailored to their needs.

Simplified change requests

Build and maintain batch jobs and workflows with drag-and-drop ease, even with multiple stakeholders
Comprehensive auditing and assured compliance

Track, archive, and report on all activity so you always know which actions were taken and who is responsible.

Reduced business risk

Predictive analytics and trending help identify problems before they impact the business.


Control-M for Hadoop

BMC Control-M for Hadoop simplifies and automates Hadoop application processing for faster batch-job implementation and more accurate analytics.


Better results from big data

Hadoop, the most popular open source framework for working with big data, and BMC Control-M, a centralized console for managing and scheduling batch workloads, are working together like never before. With Control-M for Hadoop, you can simplify and automate Hadoop batch processing for faster implementation and more accurate big-data analytics.

  • Create, collaborate, and manage workflows in Hadoop and across the enterprise.
  • Get more from predictive analytics, automated alerts, early problem detection, and quick issue resolutions.
  • Build jobs in seconds and add relationships with drag-and-drop ease.
  • Set up automatic notifications for critical events.

Simplify and automate Hadoop batch processing

Efficiently manage your Hadoop jobs and workflows, including quickly creating new Hadoop applications and getting them into production to achieve your big data goals.

Simple, automated application batch processing

Easily create jobs, collaborate on workflows, and schedule and manage batch business services


Ensure the right people are automatically notified when something goes wrong.

Easy-to-use, familiar interface

Manage workflows using a simple drag-and-drop interface with a single point of control for all workloads

Accurate forecasting

Quickly forecast which jobs will run and analyze the impact of changes to your Hadoop workloads.

Faster application implementation

Accelerate time to market since you no longer need to build manual scripts for common tasks.

Service level agreements (SLAs)

Confidently meet your governance and audit requirements with version control and proactive monitoring.

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